How to convert a PDF to JPG
A lthough PDF files are a fantastic way to package a slew of text and image documents together, they often require an external application or plug-in and are unnecessary if you want just a single page or image. If you already have the PDF, you can always just convert it into an image yourself. Something like a JPG (it’s different from a GIF , you know) would probably work nicely. It’s not as secure or editable as a PDF, but it takes up less room and is great for casual content sharing. To make that transition though, you need to know how to convert a PDF to JPG. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can do it, and in this guide, we’ll walk you through our favorites, step by step, for multiple platforms — starting with the web-based Zamzar site. Use a conversion site S tep 1: Go to Zamzar’s conversion site The best part of using an online tool is that it can be used from any computer or mobile device, anywhere in the world (and won’t take up space on your c...