Tinder for platonic threesomes is an actual thing

Tinder for platonic threesomes is an actual thing
There’s an ambitious new app that wants to help you to find a couple of new friends. The app is called Me3 and was developed by two guys who wanted to bring the ease-of-use of Tinder to help people create same-gender, non-romantic friend groups.
Instead of matching you with a bro, or sis, who likes the same stuff as you it matches you in ‘tribes’ of three. The developers insist that with three people it’s less likely to feel like an awkward ‘trying to fill the silence’ situation.
The app is awaiting the implementation of machine learning algorithms, CEO and co-founder Julian Ilson told me:
We have the infrastructure already in place to start using machine learning. However, we don’t have enough data just yet to start acting on it. We have formed 1000 Tribes now, but we need more data on Tribe successes and failures to confidently let the genie out of the box so it can start doing some self-learning
The plan is to apply machine learning to sift through the immense data and create a pattern hierarchy — ensuring you’re matched up with the perfect platonic pals.
Me3 currently has a large following in New York and the developers, who are releasing a new version today, are banking that Los Angeles and London will soon be full of tribes. After that comes world domination — in a friendship kind of way, of course.
It can be difficult for adults to find like-minded individuals to hang out with. Work-at-home is a big thing now, and that means a lot of people who used to hang out around the water cooler are now working alone in pajamas. I can’t remember the last time I gathered in a break room for birthday cake or high-fived someone I barely know because the company profits were up.


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